Sunday, July 26, 2009

Reunion Today

The White family reunion was today, and had better attendance than was expected. Without knowing the specific number, my estimate is that approximately 50 people attended. A few people were there for the first time - from the Sara Jane White Lee branch of the family. The reunion will be held at Pine Grove Baptist Church again next year - Linda and Wilson Polson are making arrangements already. I think attendance will always be better at Pine Grove. I said in an earlier post that Pine Grove is the heart of the White family - so much history and so many memories are there for our family.

I could write a long post about the people who were there, but I'll save that for another time. I do want to mention a couple of things that are important.

We should all be thankful for the years that Anne Amos has served as President. Seven years is a long time and now her father is somewhat ailing and she is worn out from carrying the load. I know she will continue to be involved. Michael White and I have taken some of the administrative duties off her and Linda and Wilson will be doing some of the logistics for the reunion also. Thanks Anne!!!!! Your service to the family will always be remembered and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family - especially your father.

Betty White Hurst has been the Treasurer for the family since the reunion's beginning. We could have found no better or more loyal family member to serve in this post for the past 30 + years. Apart from her long service, Betty is one of the sweetest, kindest people I have ever met. On August 4, Betty will be undergoing a very serious heart operation. I would ask that anyone who reads this post to remember Betty in your prayers for the next few days as her operation approaches and for the next weeks and months as she recuperates. Betty is a very special member of our family.

Thanks to all who attended and for those of you who missed this year, we hope to see you at the reunion next year.

Jackie Hammond

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